Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sock curls

I heard about sock curls on Pinterest, and they seemed too good to be true. I watched a tutorial on how to do it, and it seemed easy I figured, what the hey? Might as well try it.

The quick explanation is that you cut the toe out of a sock, roll up the sock so it looks like a scrunchie, put your hair in a high pony tail, and then roll your hair around the sock starting at the tip of your pony tail and ending at the base of the pony tail. Your hair needs to be slightly damp, but definitely not too wet or the curls will just fall out the next morning. Took me a few tries before I got the hang of it, but eventually got it to work for me. I found that putting some gel in my hair instead of water works well, then use hair spray as soon as I take it down so that it holds.

Here my hair is rolled up in the sock (I even did this during the day once and wore it out like this so my hair would be curly in the evening):

Please ignore that cheesy smile. And here it is as soon as I take out the sock:

Sometimes it turns out super-curly and I will put the sides up...sometimes it doesn't hold as well (I think it depends on the dampness of my hair beforehand or something) and so I just leave it down and it looks wavy and with lots of body...and sometimes I just throw it up in a pony tail.

So easy and quick!!! It's like sleeping in foam rollers, except it takes about 30 seconds to do and isn't uncomfortable at all! And, it only takes a few minutes in the morning to turn it into a nice style for the day.

P.S. - I wrote this post a couple days ago, then I got my hair cut a few inches, and now I can't really do this because my hair is so blunt on the ends and just short enough I guess that I can't get it to curl into the sock...poo! Maybe if I don't wash it a day it won't be as slick and I could get it to work. Hmmm...

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