Saturday, October 20, 2012


Yep, still alive, even though I apparently gave up blogging for like 5 months!  But even though I haven't been blogging, I've been thinking about it...what I would post, the clever little comments I'd put with each picture...thinking about it so much so that I can't just start back blogging today and ignore all those pictures I took to share with you over the last several months!  But where to begin?

I've decided to do one blog post about each month to catch you up on the highlights.  I won't be able to be as detailed as I normally would be (due to lack of time/effort/memory of the details!), but you'll at least get an overview of what I've been up to.  I'm sure you're just dying to know!  To begin tomorrow...MAY!


  1. Yay!!! I'm looking forward to it. Yes, I totally understand and can relate. Maybe you can find an app or easy way to post a picture with a title and small description- and it be quick and easy! I hope you're doing well. I decided to stay in Boston a while longer and I got a job here!

    1. Awesome girl! Boston looks fabulous, love all your pics and food experiences :)
