Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today was Ben's first race ever - the Anthem 5k (3.1 miles), first leg of the Triple Crown. Luckily the weather was nice - chilly (around 40 degrees I think), but clear. Ben was spurred to action for the Triple Crown when his brother bought his entry into the second leg, the 10k, as a Christmas present. He decided to do the whole Triple Crown, so I did the 5k with him for "moral support". Ha. As if he needed that - once we crossed that start line he was off like a bullet! He finished in 30:44, average 9:47 minute miles! I was super-impressed. I was also super-slow since I stopped running about 4 weeks prior to the much for training! 36:20...but I did run the whole time, albeit really slow. My 5k in 2010 was 31:54, so it's sad to see how out of shape I am. But, with some training, I'm sure I could do better. Did I mention I'm doing the mini-marathon again this year at the end of April?? Yikes.

Before the race:

My man, looking all good:

After the race:

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