Sunday, March 18, 2012


First, some quick background: Ben's brother bought him an entry into the 10k (6.2 miles) as a Christmas present. Ben's work also paid Ben's entry fees into the whole Triple Crown (5k, 10k, and 10-miler). So Ben ended up with 2 entries into the 10k. We figured this out on the day before the race (we thought his brother had returned his but they still had the bib for him when we got his packet!). So, I ran it too. I had been running a few times since the 5k 2 weeks ago, so I figured it would be good training since I'm (supposed to be) training for the mini marathon.

Our "before" picture turned out blurry, but we look pretty tired so I'm not too upset!

The weather was perfect...around 60 degrees and sunny! We ran the first 2.5 miles together so that I would go faster (for motivation) and Ben would go slower (for pacing), which turned out perfect for both of us, around a 10:30 mile. I was ready to slow down right before mile 3, so we split then. I trailed Ben until a little after mile 4 (I could barely see him up ahead) but knew I'd never catch up.

Ben did awesome, ending at 1:05:13. Can't believe how far is has come! Looking good! (Picture courtesy of Ben's parents, who came to cheer us on! We were really surprised and so glad they came!)

I came in at 1:11:17...and my big finale? Puking right after I crossed the finish line. Something about sprinting the last few seconds just did me in, ha. And right when I did, I looked up and realized the camera that takes the finish-line photos was right in front of me! I hope they get that picture, how funny would that be?! I was actually really happy with my time given I'd only trained up to 3.5 miles and it was 1 minute faster than my time 2 years ago when I did it...AND my runkeeper app said the distance was 6.4 miles, so I think I actually did even better. :)

After the race picture:

We ended the morning off with some Waffle House with the Kuhls to celebrate. The 10-miler is the weekend after next for's to 2 more weeks of training!


  1. awesome guys!!! Ben - I can't believe you have a 10-miler coming up. Way to go. Keep up with the training!

  2. Wow! You and Ben are doing great! So impressed. :)

  3. Ok, I'm about to look online now and see if they got it on pictures! =)
