Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chicago Trip

Ben and I went to Chicago last weekend with Jenn and Scott to visit our cousin Alison and her husband Dan. They have a 2.5-year-old daughter, Katelyn, and a 5-month-old son, Brayden, who we had yet to meet and were anxious to do so!

We flew there after work Friday, where we started with some Chicago style pizza.

The kids were so cute and Katelyn had gotten so big since last time I saw her! Ben got some good "baby time" in of course.

Saturday, Ben, Jenn, Scott and I drove into the city since Ben and I had never been there. There's the skyline!

A little closer:

Lake Michigan:

We started at Millennium Park, where the sculptures were so interesting! There was this huge rounded silver sculpture that reflected everything in it, so if you look closely you can see me holding my pink phone up taking this photo, standing between Scott and Ben:

The face image on this building moves and blinks and changes:

From there we walked until we came to the Chicago river, which I'm sure you remember from "My Best Friend's Wedding".

We stopped for lunch at The Purple Pig.

The food was tapas style, or small plates, so we each order 2 or 3 dishes and shared them. The food was the most delicious thing I'd eaten in a long time, ranging from fried brussel sprouts to chicken kebabs to meatball sliders.

What better to do after eating than shop? We walked the Magnificent Mall and did some shopping- H&M (bought a shirt because I can't go in there and not buy something, right?), Crate & Barrel, Ghirardelli (free chocolate samples of pumpkin spice caramel chocolates - go buy these immediately, trust me), American Girl, Lego...lots of fun places! We passed the Water Tower (one of the only buildings that didn't burn down in the Chicago fire) and went into the Hancock building (but alas, long was too long to go to the top). But where had the day gone? Already time to head back to the car and get to dinner.

On our way, we passed this neat cathedral that had pieces of other cathedrals on the outside, such as stones from Notre Dame, or the prominent black piece you see in this picture is from the Dom Cathedral in Cologne, where we went several times when we lived in Germany - pretty neat to see it here!

Dinner was at a place called The Girl and the Goat. It was like the lunch place in that we ordered a bunch of small plates and shared...oh - my - goodness. And I thought lunch was the best thing...this was even better, if that's possible!! We rated all the food 10 out of 10. The pretzel bread was soft and salty, the chickpea fritters melted in your mouth, the goat liver mousse was - well, delectable from what I hear, but I didn't try about 6 other dishes! So fabulous. The only picture I managed out of all that food was this one, which has the sugo (beef, pork, lamb and goat spaghetti), beef short ribs, and green beans. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Or, as my mother would say, not too ba-a-a-a-a-d! :)

Our cousin Missy (Alison's sister) and boyfriend Eric had come in town to see us, so when we got home, we spent the night laughing and talking and playing Pictionary until about 3AM Chicago time. It's so great to have family that you can be close with even when you don't see each other often!

After a huge breakfast by Alison of egg casserole, hashbrowns, fruit and turkey bacon, we left to head back home. In the airport waiting for the flight back to Louisville, I got a text from my sister-in-law Lindsay that she was having contractions and that if I wanted to fly to Baltimore to be there for the delivery, now would be the time...(rest of this story to be continued on my next post!)

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