Sunday, May 15, 2011

Homemade Wreath

Inspired by a cute wreath idea I saw on another blog, I decided to recreate it since my front door didn't have anything springy on it. Actually, it didn't have anything on it at all, springy or not. All I needed to buy was some spanish moss and material...I already had the styrofoam wreath (which you can usually get at the dollar store!), hot glue, and ribbon.

Cover the wreath with moss and hot glue it down. By the way, I sprang for the huge bag of moss from Hobby Lobby just in case, and I didn't need nearly that much. But, even the huge bag was only $5.

Now, I followed a tutorial on how to make these flowers, but I found that it really just took trying a few to get the hang of it. So the main thing is just to take a strip of material, start wrapping it in circles as if wrapping it around a spool, and twist the material from time to time as you wrap it. It's hard to understand until you do it.
What I found was that the thicker the material, the better it turned out, so I started folding my strip of material over a few times first to make a thick strip before starting. Some turned out better than others, but really, who cares? They look cute anyway.

I was also very excited by my material- only a few bucks at Hobby Lobby. They have little packs of different pieces of material you can buy from a few dollars up to $10 or so. So handy!

After making several flowers and hot gluing them on to the wreath, I just tied a ribbon around the top to hang it. Pretty simple, but the moss gets everywhere during the making so it is messy!

Overall, I spent about $10 on this wreath, but I have a lot of material and moss left over for another project, so all in all, I'd say it was a good deal!


  1. Very pretty! I think it is prettier than the example you went by! How creative!

  2. That is so adorable. Is there anything you can't do?
