Sunday, May 22, 2011

Eli and Woods

Most of my family and friends know that Ben and I love kids. I talk all about the babies in our family, and people often ask me how they are doing. So, thought I'd blog about our visit to Amanda and Shelby's a few days ago so everyone could see a few pictures.

Ben is so great with kids. I was holding Woods as soon as we got there, but Ben very quickly was holding Eli in his lap and playing with him! Eli is a bit shy at first, so I'm surprised how quickly he warmed up to Ben. I finally let Ben hold Woods for the first time. Woods is already 5 weeks old! Hard to believe.

He is adorable (Woods, not Ben...although wait, yes, Ben too)!!

My camera isn't very good with action shots, so it was hard to get a picture of Eli since he is always on the move. This is the best one I got- he was very serious in that moment about his toy train :) What a cutie!

Amanda looks amazing, and she and Shelby are doing a great job handling the two of them, which was a huge adjustment I'm sure. So amazing how their family has grown so quickly in one year. These kids are so lucky to have a stay-at-home mom and a dad who makes that possible!


  1. That's so sweet! So true... I'm really blessed Shelby's able to work so I can stay home. :) And Eli really wasn't shy around you all at all. He really likes you both. It was great hanging out with you two... we should do it again soon!

  2. I really like kids an extent ! And in Europe they apparently really like me because every kid I've met has liked me but some like me a little to much and are driving me crazy! -Ryan
