Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions, old and new

Well, it's that time of year again...the very beginning of the year, that is...time for new year's resolutions! I like to take Dave Ramsey's advice by making resolutions that are specific, measurable, mine, within a time limit, and in writing. He also recommends making 7 goals: career, financial, spiritual, physical, intellectual, family, and social.

Looking back on some of my 2010 resolutions, I didn't achieve all of them...but sometimes plans change! While I did pass 18 hours toward my MBA and run the mini-marathon, I did NOT take 2 pieces of the CPA exam. That goal was made before classes had started, and I realized pretty quickly that there was no way I would have time to study for the CPA exam while in school.

On to 2011. To list a few:

Intellectual- to get my MBA by December.

Physical- to run the Triple Crown races and mini-marathon and beat all my times from last year's races.

Family (only because I don't know where else to categorize it)- to get up at the same time every morning so I have time to get something done every day before work...whether it be exercise, homework, whatever. Then I won't be as stressed in the evenings with a lot to do and will have more time for family and everything else!

Of course, like most people, I am motivated to eat healthier and exercise and all that stuff, but I don't really want to list that as an objective because it's not very specific or measurable, and we all know I'll be over that in a couple weeks...ha!

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