My cousin Alison, her baby Katelyn, and my uncle Gary all came in town to visit a couple weekends ago and they stayed at my house. My cousin Missy also came and stayed at Jenn's house. It was a quick visit, but a great time, as usual. I couldn't help but take a bunch of pictures of my sweet little...uh...first cousin once removed?...second cousin?...not sure how we're related...but my cousin's sweet little daughter, we'll stick with that. :) She looks just like her daddy (sadly, he wasn't able to make the trip).
We had so much fun growing up, so many good memories...they live out of state, so whenever we got together it was always a blast! The last year has been a tough one for the family, but it's comforting to still be able to get together from time to time, reminisce, and celebrate the good things, like Katelyn! What a doll!
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