Last weekend we had our monthly Bible Bowl round robin in Indianapolis. I coach team 1 along with Mrs. Elliott and they are doing great! The competition is really hard at our round robin, but they still managed to tie for 3rd this month. Here is a picture of my team (except the girl in the bottom left corner, she is the little sister of the girl in the middle):

At the church where we meet for the round robins, there is a wall with pamphlets on it for miscellaneous problems people struggle with, such as worry, depression, forgiveness, etc. Then I noticed this one calling out to me:

I read about half of it just standing there waiting for my team to get back after lunch. I guess I'll read the rest later. I've been meaning to make this post since last weekend, but just now got around to it. :)
In all seriousness though, it was interesting to see that the pamphlet referred to this as a spiritual issue. I do procrastinate a lot, but had never thought about it as doing something wrong. I just feel like I work better under pressure, or that I expand the amount of work I have to fill the time I have, so if I give myself too long, I'll take too long. For example, if I get up early in the morning, I'll take forever to get ready. If I get up late and only have a short time to get ready, I can still do it in that same amount of time. So basically, getting up early with the alarm clock without hitting snooze a few times just seems like a waste of good sleep because I know I will just take longer getting ready if I have longer.
I am still struggling with getting up with the alarm clock...but I have tried to be more productive the last week. I cleaned out our closet, which has needed to be done for a very long time. I went through my clothes and took a ton of stuff I got rid of over to Goodwill. I come home from work and instead of getting on my computer or watching tv, I try to do laundry or clean or cook something good to eat for myself when Ben's working, instead of just eating cereal for dinner or something. I know, these sound like the things I should be doing daily, but I tend to put everything off until the weekends when I have more time. I'm getting better at doing stuff when it needs to be done, though. Now if I could just finish a few craft projects that I have started and can't seem to finish, or start working out again, or...
Baby steps.
Interesting that it's pointed to as a spiritual issue. After hearing that, it makes sense. Glad to hear you're working on it to make yourself a better person. I'm so proud of you babe :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I'm right there with you. I feel like as long as my messes and unfinished projects are tucked away, I will eventually get to them. They bug me, though. I need to work on this too.