Today is my dad's birthday, so we celebrated by going out to dinner at Macaroni Grill. Ben and Leslie had to work, but Wes, Jenn, Scott, Mom, Dad, and I were able to go. One thing I love about Dad is that he enjoys spending time with his family. We had a good time just telling stories and eating dinner. Nothing like salty bread dipped in olive oil and cheesy pasta to make a birthday happy!
...oh, and a Snuggie! Ben and I bought Dad one for his birthday. For anyone who doesn't know, a Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves so that you can still use your hands while remaining under the blanket. In other words, it is a robe that you wear backward.

We all laugh and make fun of these things when we see it on tv, so I knew it would be hilarious! And even though it was a funny gift, I knew it was something he could still use.
If you've ever met my dad, you can immediately tell what a sweet person he is. He makes friends easily and really comes alive around people. Doesn't talk much, and yet he can get a good bargain out of any salesman, and is a great salesman himself. He works harder than anyone I know, and he loves to do his work with excellence. He's a problem-solver, very intelligent, mathematical, good with strategy. He studies his hand in a card game and always ends up winning. He is one of those people that can pick up anything and be great at it. He is amazing at building and remodeling, seeing the end result in his mind when others can't. He loves to give to his family, is extremely generous, and would give you the shirt off his back. He has patience, rarely gets upset, and is easy-going. He is a godly man, sensitive, and humble. He makes it easy to picture God in the role of Father, as a loving, caring, forgiving father himself. What a lucky girl I am to have been raised in such a way!
Love you, Dad! Happy birthday and enjoy the Snuggie!
You are so right on! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful father!