Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Day

I got a Snuggie!

It's about time! :) I also got tons of craft supplies and a huge shelf to hang to organize all my crafts (future blog post to show the results of said shelf). In that picture I was trying out my 12 new scissors with different patterns. Santa did good!

Ben got clothes (including jeans 2 sizes smaller than before! woohoo!), some workout clothes, and some paintball gloves. Looking back now, that seems sort of boring...but new clothes when you lose weight is always fun, right?

We had Grannie over for brunch, but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures! Ben did the cooking (bacon and eggs) and I set out the homemade cranberry muffins my sister made me along with the homemade apple butter from my cousin Ryan...easy peasy for me, and delicious!!!

We had my parents over for a roast dinner. We started with a little cheese tasting (I made those labels with a punch that makes those shapes - another Christmas present from Ben!). And I just noticed that you can see my blue dutch oven (compliments of the Kuhls!) with the roast in it in the oven.

We played euchre, ate dinner, lit a fire and played Mad Gab (one of my parents' new presents). We ended the night going to the movies and seeing Mission Impossible, which was awesome! Had a great time and a nice, relaxing Christmas day!

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