Saturday, September 10, 2011

Senz Umbrella

I bought an umbrella off quite a while back for $15. It is supposed to be wind resistant, but I hadn't really used it anywhere windy before. Finally, last week at the Ft. Walton Beach during Tropical Storm Lee, I had a chance to truly test it out. I know you can't really hear me in this video, but what I'm trying to tell the camera is that there are hurricane-like winds, double red flags at the beach, and basically, look how awesome my umbrella is after I get it open.


  1. Haha! Nice umbrella! Now they just need to make the wind-resistant ones easier to open. I guess that type would've been twice as much on :)

  2. It's actually easy to open, it's just that opening it into the wind was hard and I was scared to open it away from the wind and for it to drag me away!! :)

  3. that's an awesome video!
