Saturday, July 9, 2011

Veggies from the Garden

I love our vegetable garden! So far, we have picked 3 rounds of green beans, which is a lot I think, and just yesterday, 2 big yellow squash!

Round 1 of beans:

Round 2 of beans (along with a sprig of rosemary, also from the garden):

Round 3 of beans, along with the 2 squash:

Look how big!
So far, I've cooked the green beans tender crisp, served some in a salad, served some with parrano cheese and roasted pecans tossed in lemon juice and olive oil and salt and pepper, and pickled some (which reminds me, I've let those pickle for a few weeks now so I can finally try them!) with vinegar, garlic, and red pepper flakes. I think with the last few I picked I'll do the good old-fashioned country, cooked-down green beans. Haven't decided what to do with the squash- I'm picturing a pasta with ground beef, squash, tomatoes, and basil, with a creamy white alfredo-ish dressing maybe?? Not sure yet, just trying to concoct something from the stuff I have around here! Who knows what will turn up :)

1 comment:

  1. All these different bean preparations look delicious! I want to try the pickled ones when they are ready!
