Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Day

Well, clearly I'm behind in my blogging since I'm just now posting about Mother's Day, a week and a half later! We celebrated by going to Churchill Downs with my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my brother-in-law's family. Naturally, I lost all $15 I spent. Ben, however, spent about the same and came out about $3 ahead. Yippee. Moral of the story: not worth gambling! Ha.

I'm trying to think of a poetic or graceful way to write something about my mother, but nothing is coming to mind other than a flood of adjectives, laughter, good memories...things that make her like a lot of moms, and things that really set her apart. My mother is loving, caring, always willing to go to the ends of the world and back for me and my brother and sister- or anybody, for that matter- as so many wonderful mothers would. But she is also beautiful, talented, creative, artistic- how did I get so lucky to have a mother like this? She is the Proverbs 31 woman- she is a godly woman. She has a tender heart, a heart of gold, unlike anyone I have ever known. She has made my life so joyful, so much fun- always willing to play with me when I was little, still eager to have fun anytime I am ready! She makes me laugh until I cry. Her words of grief over a lost loved one can make me cry in a second, can pierce right through me. I certainly don't tell her enough how wonderful she is. She is my best friend. How lucky I am to be able to say that! How blessed I am to have been raised in such a way!

I love you, Mom!


  1. I agree with everything you said about your Mom. I am so thankful you have such a wonderful role model and you are so close to her. She has passed on to you all of those traits, besides being really smart and a "word" person.Ben is lucky to be in your family!

  2. I agree with everything you said too! We are lucky daughters for sure! :-)
