I can't believe it, but I completed the Kentucky Derby Festival Mini-Marathon on Saturday- 13.1 miles! I ran it with my sister, Jenn, just like all the other races. We were cutting it close on time getting to the start line (we decided to park near the start line instead of at the finish line and taking the shuttle since that would have required getting up a lot earlier) and we actually jogged to the start! I was worried about the weather going into it, but it turned out to be a great day. It started with a very light rain, basically just a drizzle, during the second or third mile, but didn't last long and was overcast for most of the race which was great as it kept it cooler. I'm not sure what the temperature was, but I believe somewhere in the 70s. The sun came out right at the end, so I'd say the weather was just right.
I wish I could say the same about myself. I started off feeling good the first mile. Iroquois Park was around miles 2-4. Through the park, we walked some at the top of the hills since we didn't want to waste all of our energy that early on. Then we ran out of the park, down Southern Parkway. I was not feeling very energetic though. Honestly, I was feeling about like my energy was completely spent and I didn't feel very enthusiastic about the rest of the race. We ate some "sport beans" (basically jelly beans) at mile 6. We ran through the infield of Churchill Downs for mile 7, which was actually pretty neat because there were some horses out, and they had the recordings of the announcers playing from past Derby races, so that was fun to listen to.
From mile 8 onward, I was basically shot. I had to walk most of it, with spurts of running as my poor sister kept prodding me along. She was ready to keep running, but I just had to keep stopping. My legs were burning so badly every time we'd run. I was feeling really discouraged knowing we still had 5 more miles, but I pushed through with the walking and running off and on. The last 2 miles felt like an eternity, and around this point I told Jenn, "Don't you DARE let me sign up for this again. EVER. I'm serious. If I ever even hint at it, just remind me how I had no time to train and how completely miserable I was the whole race. SERIOUSLY."
Somewhere during the last mile, Jenn wanted to run on ahead, so I told her to go on and I'd see her at the finish. She ended up 3 minutes better in her time. I didn't run again until I could see the finish line, and then I ran until I had crossed.
I met back up with Jenn and my cousin Jason, who had finished a whole hour before us (he met his goal of doing it in 2 hours, almost exactly!) and was just waiting around for us wearing one of those foil blankets to keep your body heat in after the race. My parents came to see us which was so sweet! They picked us up and drove us back to our car since we had parked near the start line. I'm so glad they came! I think my dad really enjoyed it because he made the comment that he might like to try to do it next year!
Needless to say, I went straight home and showered, Ben got me some food to-go from Waffle House (which I scarfed down), and then I crashed in bed and slept for a few hours. Today, the next day, I am extremely sore...and dreading how sore I'll be tomorrow!! But, I called my sister up today and told her that I want to run it again, maybe not next year since I'll still be busy with school, but the year after. I want to train well and run the whole thing next time. She told me what I asked her to, of course ("don't do it!")...but, I guess I was just speaking in the heat of the moment then because now I'm anxious to try again!!
My Official Results:
Time: 2:58:10
Overall Rank: 10,748 total ran, but it didn't give an overall rank this time.
Gender Rank: 4,437 out of 6,086
Division Rank (Females 20-24): 527 out of 626
I'm so glad we were able to do this together! The finish time doesn't matter, all that matters is that we finished! You did great. But don't you dare do it next year unless you train :-)