So, since I apparently have absolutely nothing blog-worthy these days, figured I could at least give you the current pictures off my phone. Totally random, but a little glimpse into my everyday life.
KCU Bible Bowl tournament was last weekend...Maddie, on my team, looked like this in every picture:

Therefore, I forced my team to pose for this picture :)

Text to Ben one day: "Salad dressing fail"

We re-financed using Mortgage Warehouse (they were awesome!) and so they sent both me and Ben an edible bouquet at work after it was all over.

Girls' Craft Night #1- tile coasters (got the idea from the tile coasters that Ashley made me!)

Ben took my car through the car wash...what a sweet husband :)

A co-worker over the cubicle wall wanted to know how my sandwich was...I figured, why try to describe it when I could just send a picture? It was good, by the way, but it was barbecue and I had ordered buffalo.

Standstill traffic on my way to work...least favorite way to start a morning.

Got a bright red TV stand off craigslist for cheap...and subsequently, some red and bluish decorations to attempt to tie together the blue rug and the red TV stand. I thought the colors might end up clashing terribly...but I really like it!

I wondered if Ben would like to see the pictures I have taped to my cubicle wall. So here's a picture of the pictures. And I haven't even shown it to Ben...but don't you feel special that I'm sharing it with you? (don't answer that)